Grain Mills by Bosch, L'Equip and WonderMill
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Get your own reviews, free traffic at offers several high quality grainmills.  We also have parts available for all models.  Those for the Wondermill or Whispermill are listed on the website.  For other parts or accessories, please contact us. 

Since COVID-19 our suppliers have been running out of inventory.  We try to keep some in stock.  If you see grainmills listed we have them.  If not check back.  This shortage is tempororary.

Customers, please read the discussion section below the images section.   The comparisons between machines will help you in your shopping decisions.

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Can an electric or hand grain mill benefit you?

Fresh flour is the essential ingredient in great bread.  The nutrients in flour begin to oxidize and degrade within hours of milling.  You can insure optimal nutrition for yourself and your family by milling and promptly using your own fresh nutritious flour at home.  Having your own grain mill makes this possible.   Selecting the best grain mill requires matching your needs to the capabilities of the machine.  Some grain mills have adjustments, others do not.  Some mills grind other kinds of grains just fine, others do not.  Understand the machine you are buying before making your purchase.


The big question is whether to buy an Electric grain mill or a Hand grain mills. 


Electric grain mills: offers several electric grain mills.  The L’Equip Nutrimill Classic grain mill has been the leading home flour mill on the market.  It is adjustable to produce fine or coarser flour as desired.  The Nutrimill produces flour by rapidly turning milling teeth, called micronizing heads,that shatter the grains into finely ground flour. The latest addition is the L'Equip Nutrimill Plus grain mill, featuring a more compact storage design, an increased capacity, stronger and quieter 2-speed motor, and a new 4 stage filtration system for cleaner milling.  For the most versatility in milling consider a L'Equip Harvest Mill available in your choice of 6 trim colors.  The WonderMill Grain Mill is an alternative to the L’Equip mills.  It also uses steel teeth to grind and makes similar claims to adjustability and speed.  There are however a couple of differences between the L’Equip and Wondermill.  The L’Equip Nutrimill Classic hopper holds 10 cups of grain, which makes 15 cups of flour.  The Wondermill grinds 8 cups of grain at a time, making 12 cups of flour.  The Wondermill must be started before grinding and cannot be stopped during grinding or it will plug.  The L’Equip Nutrimill Classic and L-Equip Nutrimill Plus have a self cleaning grinding mechanism with a precracking element in the impact chamber that allows you to load grain before you power up allowing you to turn it on and off during milling and yet not clog the mill.  All electric grain mills are noisy.  The Wondermill and the L'Equip Nutrimill Pluss claim to be quieter than other models or earlier models, but they all make considerable noise.  All these electric grain mills work great for grinding non-oily grains, i.e., wheat, rye, pelt, millet, rice, corn, beans, quinoa, amaranth, and oats; but do not mill oily seeds, i.e. Chai or flax.  The challenge with all electric mills is that it is harder than the hand mills to take them apart completely to clean, thus making the milling of oily seeds undesireable.  If you need to mill these seeds use a handmill or grind them in your blender.           

Hand grain mills: offers the Wonder Junior Hand Grain Mill as a practical alternatives to electric grinding.  The Wondermill Junior comes in two models, the Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain Mill and the Wonder Junior Standard Hand Grain Mill. Both machines can produce super fine flour or coarse cracked grains.  They are the same machine.  The deluxe model comes with the stainless steel burr heads and the heavy duty clamp, the standard model does not.  The burr heads and clamp can be purchased later as optional accessories for the standard model, where there is no need to do so with the deluxe.   By simply swapping the stone heads for the stainless steel burr heads you can grind the oily grains, herbs and spices, soybeans, legumes, or nuts.  So if you want to make peanut butter or even grind fresh coffee consider a hand grinder. Of the power is out, you can still grind flour.  The challenge with the hand mill is that it is muscle power, rather than electric power, so the grinding process is not as fast, nor easy, as with the electric grain mill.  The Wonder Junior solves this problem to some extent.  A drill adaptor can be purchased.  Remove the handle and attach the drill adaptor, then use a power drill as the power source for grinding your grains.  A smart adaptation!!

If you want to make lots of wheat bread or corn bread, purchase an electric grain mill.  If you want to handle the more oily grains consider a hand mill.  They can be more easily dissembled and cleaned after using the oily grains.. 

Please click the picture for each model described to view the features and assets described by their manufacturers.

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Protected names such as Bosch, L'Equip, Bamix, etc. are used by Mixers by Bosch with the permission of Kitchen Resource LLC.  
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